Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Matt

Matt was born on December 19, 1977 at 3:11 in the morning. He weighed 8 lb. 12.5 oz and was 20.5 inches long. When we brought him home from the hospital, because it was at Christmas time, the nurses stuck him in a red stocking. That was a fun touch. Dad was working at the Pleasant Grove Police Dept. as an officer, so his first ride was in a police car. It was a wonderful time for us. Having a son at Christmas time was very poignant for us because of our celebration of another Son that came to the earth. Matt has been a blessing to us all of our lives. He is kind, loyal, a good organizer and a loving person. Have a wonderful day- Matt. We love you!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Lisa

Lisa was born December 7th in
Bakersfield, California. She was born
2nd after her twin sister, Lori. She
weighed 6lbs. 6 oz. With a sweet and
kind personality, Lisa loved being
around people. She has always loved
helping others and is a loyal and faithful
friend. We hope you know how much we
love you and what a vital part of our
family you are.

Happy Birthday Lori

Lori was born December 7 and was the first of twins to arrive.
She weighed in at 7lbs. 2oz.. A bundle of energy and tons of fun
to be around, she kept us busy and happy. With her sisters and
brothers she played, giggled, learned and loved. A little shy in
Junior and Senior high school, this did not stop her from making
many friendships and having lots of fun. We hope you know we love you and cherish our time with you.